Kidney Function Test In Patna

Our phlebotomist mainly collects urine sample and a blood sample to carry out the kidney function test. Kidney Function test in Patna

Kidney Function Test In Patna

Dr. Shukla Pathlabs is one of the top ranked pathology centers for kidney function blood test in Patna. We offer high-profile testing facilities to the clients visiting us. The pathlab has trained pathologists and lab assistants to give you quick service. We conduct different kinds of tests that will help you get rid of various medical complications. Among many types of tests, one is the Kidney Function test. This consists of a urine and blood test to evaluate how your kidney is responding.

The pathologists working with Dr. Shukla pathlabs remain very attentive while taking every step involved in the tests required for KFT. These tests are done to measure glomerular filtration rate. GFR helps medical professionals in assessing how effectively kidneys clear waste excrete from the system. 

The Parameters Set Under Kidney Function Test In Patna

In order to  give you an accurate result of blood test for kidney function, we have set some parameters. They includes:

After examining the blood test for kidney function and urine in a proper way, the lab will send you a detailed report about the kidney test in less than 48 hours.

Procedure Followed By Our Pathologists For Kidney Test

Under this facility phlebotomists visit your house to collect samples needed for tests and reports are sent via mail or post. This facility saves the time of our clients as none want to face unwanted traffic. Each member associated with Dr. Shukla Pathlabs follow the highest standards of the medical profession and are determined to deliver quality oriented service.

What People Says


Kidney Function Test In Patna

Dr. Shukla Pathlabs give top most priority to public health that’s why the administration has launched a blood sample collection facility.

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