Full Body Checkup In Patna

To avail the benefits of full body checkup in Patna visit Dr. Shukla Pathlabs, a reputed name in pathology and diagnostic center.

Need Of Full Body Checkup

You must undergo a full body checkup in a routine manner to lead a life free of unwanted ailments. The procedure helps medical professionals in determining if your body has developed an infection. It is very essential to cure any disease in its initial phase as giving time to ailments may have fatal consequences. If you are looking for a pathology center in Patna that offers you an affordable full body checkup package then visit Dr. Shukla Pathlabs. Full body checkup enables medical professionals to know the current status of your kidney, liver, chest and other organs of your body. Regular health checkups alarms you of fatal diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Our Body Cheak Up In Patna Comprises Of:


We have specially trained pathologist for detecting diseases and their types. Dr. Shukla pathlab offers 24×7 pathological services in Patna which is out and about patient care. You can book blood test offline or online and can get your results as fast as within 48 hours.

You can book offline or online and can get your results as fast as within 48 hours. We are ably fortified with a team pathologist assistant who  assists with the dissection of the surgical cases and biopsies. They work closely with pathologists.


The healthcare professionals Phlebotomists specially trained to draw patients blood who visits home. Blood home collection for pathology testing  provided by Dr. Shukla pathlab patna makes the whole process extremely simple and convenient.

Phlebotomists are extremely experienced in their job and follow all the necessary protocols for the safety of our patients. They will not be required to step out of the house or face the crowd of the laboratory centre.


Dr. Shukla Pathology lab in Patna manages the testing and the processing of tissue, making slides from tissue by histotechnologists. They  are trained enough to perform laboratory testing and analysis on body fluids and other specimens.

Computerised laboratory helps in determining the presence or absence of disease. And are responsible for the testing and analysis of the body fluids and determining the presence and absence of the disease.

World Class Full Body Check-Up In Patna

Availing a full body checkup package from a renowned pathlab benefits a lot as reputed firms conduct various tests in an easy and affordable manner. These days it has become the need of ours to undergo a full body checkup once in a year as we fight with noise and air pollution daily. The changing calamities have given diseases an opportunity to attack us and to be updated of our health status one must visit Dr. Shukla Pathlab for checkup. Our lifestyles too have changed as many people love eating fast food knowing that they are not good for health. This change in behavior gives advantage to disease and to eradicate it early regular health checkup is needed.

Full Body Checkup

Our Tests

Dr. Shukla pathology lab in Patna is equipped with advanced machines enabling professionals to test you better. Book A Blood test from home Now!

  • Blood Count
  • amniocentesis.
  • gastric fluid analysis.
  • kidney function test.
  • liver function test.
  • lumbar puncture.
  • malabsorption test.
  • Pap smear.
  • thyroid function test
  • Serum Creatinine
  • Serum Calcium
  • Stool For Occult Blood.
  • Sputum Culture.
  • Sputum Gram Stain.
  • Sputum AFB.
  • Swab Culture .
  • Semen Culture.
  • Semen Analysis
  • Stool Culture
  • Stool Routine Microscopy.
  • Urine Culture.
  • Urine Routine and Microscopy.
  • Ionised Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Serum Lipase.
  • Band cells .

Frequently Ask Questions

Ans: A full body checkup includes:

  • A general physical exam
  • A dental exam
  • An eye exam
  • An ear and hearing exam
  • A lung function test
  • Blood tests to check for certain conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, and thyroid problems
  • A urinalysis to screen for bladder infections and diabetes

Ans: The goal of a full body checkup is to detect any health problems

  • General appearance and skin color
  • Body weight and waist circumference
  • Blood pressure and pulse rate
  • Lungs and heart sounds
  • Abdominal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen)
  • Male genitalia (testicles)
  • Female genitalia (uterus)

Ans: The most common type of health checkup package is a basic one. This includes a blood test, urinalysis, urine culture, and stool analysis.

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